Friday, October 16, 2009


Ahh the weekend is here and time for some family bonding. Today was a weird day and I guess the dreary weather made Juliette dreary too. She took three naps and went right to sleep again at 8. We thought she would be up later tonight, but we were wrong. hopefully she sleeps well again tonight like she did last night. Juliette is starting to get the hang of the whole sleeping straight through the night. The doctor said it would take two or three eye --it's been two weeks! Now she might wake up once or twice, but only for a few minutes and then goes right back to sleep. It's nothing like it used to be--even when Mom was here it was impossible to put her down before 10. The next thing we have to work on is slowly turning down her cd of bedtime songs. Josh has it on continuous repeat so it plays ALL night. We've got to get that weaned by the time Thanksgiving rolls around and Mom and Dad return...we're used to it, but I'm sure it can get annoying hearing those songs over and over....and over....and over...and over!

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