Saturday, June 12, 2010

Near the end

The contractor came today to collect the final, final, final check for the bathroom. I'm hoping I see him on Monday!! He said he wants to get this job finished since he's got 6 others- not my problem. Could this really be it??? We've got some serious perging to do and I really don't want to get rid of my books, so hopefully I can find a new space for them. I'm looking forward to having our house back to ourselves, but I know the baby will miss the guys :). She loves seeing them everyday for some reason. They've seen her through being sick, they've fussed over her, she's played with them, it's a funny relationship! :). The other day Josh came home to our main man Bud pushing her in her swing! The first thing he does when he comes in the mornings, or whenever they choose to get here, is to go over to Juliette for a hug. I told him each hug should knock some cash off the bill--I don't think he credited us :(

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