Saturday, June 19, 2010

New Pictures

Surprise the bathroom that we were promised would be finished yesterday is not done so we aren't making the trip up to PA to pick up Josh at his grandmother's...have to wait until July. Grandpa is here to take Nana home and we just got done with a nice afternoon swim to wear Juliette out for her like a charm. Here are a few of the things we've been up to lately.

Loving the pool
Juliette learning the fine art of pouring
First time in her big girl seat!

yo! what up my peeps? check out my ink!

first tattoo :)

Juliette and her buddy Emmi. When they see each other, it's like a best buddy reunion!

Chilling out with Daddy

Unpacking her toy bag for music at Hurkump Park

I KNOW that thing has something to do with getting in there!

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