Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Been a while since the last entry so a quick update- the hole in the house as been fixed and apparently is strong enough to withstand a hurricane, the floor is sturdy enough to support a semi, so if any of you know when a hurricane might blow a semi around, our house is the place to be!! The baby is taking more and more steps, is loving the great weather and getting to be in the pool almost every day, and has mastered giving a high five. I got the pictures back from when the photographer came to the house, but right now don't have time to put them up. I'll try to do it tonight when the baby sleeps. Last night after we put her to bed at 7 Josh and I did a Wal Mart run only to come home an hour later and find Miss Juliette wide awake on the chair with Nana. Apparently she had some really bad gas and farted and burped until 9. To make her comfy, I cuddled with her and popped in a Mickey Dvd and she couldn't have been happier. I bet she was thinking we do that all the time after she goes to bed. I thought since she was up an extra 2 hours she would sleep in,.....nope. Up at 6am for the first time in weeks. She's napping right now and then it's off to music in the park. I've got her lunch packed, snacks ready, and car packed. Now just waiting for her to wake up and get her dressed.

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