Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Busy Day!

Wow what a day on "vacation". We went to Fun Land this morning with our friend and her niece who is a little older than Juliette. For those not familiar with it, Fun Land is like a huge complext with rides, go carts, mini golf, arcade games, etc. As soon as we got ther Juliette took off like a shot running around. It had just opened so we pretty much had the place to ourselves. They had a little roller coaster and she kept pointing to it saying Choo Choo and pulling her arm down like a train whistle! She saw a helicopter inside a came and Josh told her was it was and she kepts saying Copter, Copter and running over to it. After a little but we realized that it was not for the kids so we headed next door to Chuck E. Cheese.....for over an hour....Chuck E. Cheese...for over an hour. Need I say more? This was more geared to the girls and they both had a blast. Juliette fell in love with a little ride that had Barney sitting in it. She rode it twice and even gave Barney a hug. Eww. When Chuck E. came out to sing (the robot version), she went right up to the stage and started dancing. The only little crying part came when she saw all the special sippy cups on other tables for kids and she wanted one. It had a twisty straw and she thought that was amazing....needless to say we walked out with one- hey it was only a dollar. She needed a new cup anyway :) So after a two hour nap we made cookies together with Juliette going nuts shaking the sprinkles. She was very upset when I had to put them in the oven, but enjoyed the end result. Juliette LOVES going outside as always, but now has a new obsession- riding the tractor with Josh.

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