Monday, April 25, 2011

Lots to show and tell

So from the title you can guess a lot has been happening this week with Spring Break. We got back from Va Beach yesterday and Juliette loved every second we spent on the beach except for when the wind blew the sand hard into her, but I hate that too. Dinners were a challenge, but our friends were understanding that one of us would have to stay with Juliette since it became obvious after the first night that if we had even the slightest view of the beach, which every restaurant does, she would try to bolt for the door to get outside. Soooooo one of us ate, the other took a doggie bag back to the hotel room :). Not ideal, but worked out perfectly for Juliette. Today I am thankful that it is gorgeous outside and we just came in from about 90 minutes playing with her new toy- a wiggly sprinkler. Photos to come! :)
Here are a few pictures from her first trip to Carl's Ice Cream in downtown Fredericksburg. It's been featured on Discover and the Travel Channel. There aren't a lot of choices, but what they do, they do well; Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, sundaes, and rootbeer floats that are amazing because it's not soda, it's like a rootbeer slushy on the bottom. Amazing.

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