Friday, July 22, 2011


Ok I'm a bad blog mommy. We've had a very busy summer so far and sadly it's almost over..not thinking about it though. Juliette has done soooo much in the past 5 weeks it's going to be impossible to recap it. We were in Pennsylvania for about 3.5 weeks and Juliette learned so many things. We went to a ton of playgrounds, had a trip to Knoebels Amusement Park, painted pottery, went to fireworks, and a lot more. I will try to upload pictures in order, but I doubt I'll be able to remember so just trust what I say about it :). Mari I've got the pictures you wanted and will be mailing them out either tomorrow or Monday along with a special something from Juliette.

Since getting home LAST Monday we have been to King's Dominion four times with friends and just the three of us. Juliette is absolutely in LOVE with the water park because they have a pool that is only about 6-10 inches deep so she can go anywhere and has no fear of saying bye to us and wondering on her own, but she will make sure we are watching her or she can see us. Every time we go there she gets a little braver and tries something new. Josh is trying to get her to walk under the waterfall sprinkler and she keeps putting more of her body underneath the stream-it's really cute. The first time we went she saw the slide and was all about going down until she realized water = speed and she shot out of that tube like a bullet into the water! Now she won't go near it hehe. We also took her on the lazy river and she kept saying hi to everyone. She really liked it but it was a little too long for her to sit on the tube and she was ready to get off a few turns before it actually ended. We have been going around 2pm and staying until about 6 and no, my kid doesn't get tired out!!!! When we pull up to the parking lot she gets sooooo excited and starts screaming Park! Park! Biiiiiiiig Park! When we have to leave she says Bye pool, see you tomorrow. She also really loves the wave pool- something I wasn't sure she would like. She enjoys playing with the fountains and sitting on them :) If you are following the news we are in the middle of a pretty hot week down here so we haven't been venturing outside, but we went to Potomac Mills outlet center yesterday to visit the Disney Store or what I like to call Juliette's Mecca. Surprisingly she was very picky and chose a Nemo stuffed toy, a Goofy doll, and a Mickey cell phone. She also picked out a Minnie and Mickey sippy cup, but Mommy snuck them back on the shelf. We have more than enough cups thank you very much.

Hmmmmm what else. Verbally Juliette has been shocking us everyday. We have taken her to the sitter twice since we've been back just to let her play with her friend and remember Cindy. She will now say Cindy's name and her friend Amelia. She is making choices and telling me what she wants to eat--Chicky Mommy...bock bock (clucking noise) what she wants to wear- Pretty dress, Mommy. Her new thing this week is asking for a piggy back ride. It's hysterical to listen to her on the monitor because she will tell her Minnie doll to go on a piggy back ride, hold on, weeee. She is really putting sentences together and I'll try to write more about what she is saying because some of it is so stinking cute. The battle now is for pitty training. I'm thinking she might be wearing a diaper until she hits puberty. I had her in her panties this afternoon and kept taking her back to the potty and the second time as soon as I put them back on her, she peed in them. This is not my favorite part of parenthood. Ok so check out the pictures backwards forwards and side to side because we took about 400 so far this summer....I'll only post probably 200 hehe.

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