Monday, August 1, 2011

Fredericksburg Agriculture Fair

I grew up with the Bloomsburg Fair, the Hartford Fair, and a ton of carnivals and church picnics, so when I hear the word fair, I've got a picture in my head of what it should be, especially when it's constantly in the newspaper about how awesome it is going to be, tradition, and crowds. We took Juliette to the fair on Sunday and I was very let down. It was about 1/4 the size of the Bloomsburg Fair and not all that exciting. You need to have at least one lizard woman to be considered a good fair in my opinion. Now, to be "fair", they did have redneck pig races which Juliette loved. The petting zoo everyone was raving about was just a pen you walked around and could give carrots to goats, cows, alpacas, and camels. Again, Juliette loved that and would have spent all day there if we kept buying bags of cut carrots. I think if it had been a little cooler it would have been more enjoyable.

Daddy showed her how to hold out her hand to feed the baby goats. She giggled like a loon every time one would take her carrot.

Juliette was having a ball feeding the goats when this big guy game over- Sally, the camel.

Not a fan of the chicken barn. She hated the noise from the roosters.

It's not a fair without a treat- lollipop she eventually dropped.

the contestants----the losers will be breakfast tomorrow.

waiting patiently for the pig races!

and they're off!

I think this was her favorite part. The kid loves cows!

Bye Moo!

Watching the trained dog show.

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