Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What a day!!

I need a shirt that says I survived the 5.8 earthquake of 2011!! A bunch of us were having a training on how this new program called Brain Gym is going to work when all of a sudden it sounded like there was a huge truck rumbling by and felt the floor rumbling...asked what that was and all of a sudden things got a little funky. We were literally rolling with the floor trying to keep our balance and the AP said it felt like an earthquake so about 10 of us started trying to cram into the door jam! I did not like the feeling at all and it lasted about a minute. We had to evacuate and since I wasn't in my room, no phone for Wendy. Only a few teachers' phones were working and I got a call through to mom, but that was it. We had to wait outside for a little bit and then were dismissed from school. Josh was able to text me to let me know he had called Cindy and Juliette was fine and I think I managed to get to her house in about ten minutes. She slept right through it! Cindy's glassware and china broke- so sad. Josh was finally able to get through to my phone and tell me the house was ok, amazing that we had nothing fall off the walls. He had a picture break in his classroom. All of the wine in one of our grocery stores fell off the shelf...alcohol abuse. Then when I was on my way to the gym tonight we had a 4.2 aftershock and Josh's chair was shaking-I didn't feel anything. I will NEVER forget that sound.

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