Monday, October 10, 2011

Back to the Pumpkin Patch

The first time I took Juliette to the pumpkin patch, she was five months old so not really "into" the whole pick a pumpkin activity hehe. Last year she liked walking around in the hay and rubbing the pumpkins. This year was so much fun for her. We told her she would be seeing animals- she really wanted to see a cow and I couldn't remember if Sneads had a cow- they had a calf on a leash. She fed the horses hay she picked off the ground, pet the goats, and wanted to hug the claf which she did since it was laying down. She wanted to go through the tunnel into a kind of teepee hut, but she heard older kids scream and that was it, she wasn't going in there. When she saw the pumpkin patch, I think she wanted to take them all home! Her heart was set on a green one that she could lift, but I persuaded her to also love a huge orange one that looks nice on our porch. I think I'll wait until Papa gets here before we cut into it....I really don't want to touch the goo and I don't think Josh wants to either. It was a great weekend too- warm and sunny. Sunday we tried a new little playground we spotted by our house and Juliette had it all to herself for a little bit and liked running around and kicking up the mulch. When another little girl her age showed up, the fun really started. She saw the little girl climbing up to go down the highest slide and, well, she had to try it too! It was cute. Josh and I also caved in and bought her the four foot tall Minnie Mouse from Costco. We put it in the Jeep and called her over to the car. When she saw it (I got it on film) she was so excited. It was hard to get her to leave it at home this morning, but Nana promised to take care of it for her.

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