Monday, October 3, 2011


I had to laugh yesterday. I was changing a poopy diaper, opened it up, and Juliette's eyes got really big and she said "Woah baby!" I almost died laughing. I have to remember times like that during the fits of hysterical screaming because I took off her favorite pair of socks. I bought her Mickey Mouse character socks- Daisy, Donald, Mickey and Minnie. She loves them--hates to take them off. This morning we just ended up putting them back on her--how dirty could they get while she was sleeping?? We were so happy too last night at dinner. She finally tried macaroni and cheese again after refusing to eat it for about the past year. I think helping me pick it out of the cabinet, pour it into the pot, and watching it boil may have given her some motivation to eat it- I don't care though...she ate it! If I could get her to remember how yummy grilled cheese is, dinner choices for her would be so much easier!

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