Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Now that the holidays are over, it's not the same at our house. Juliette LOVED Christmas and everything that went with it-the lights, the characters, and especially the music. Her favorite cd to listen to was the Glee Christmas album. And yes we are still playing it. She loves Jingle Bells and The Grinch off of it. She'll be in her seat and say Listen Mommy, Jingle Bells away hey! I crazy mommy. There's a part where the singers do a count in for the song so she'll say a one, a two, one two three four. It's hysterical. She also loved Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Rudolph. I don't know how many times we watched Frosty and Rudolph--had to be a few dozen each, but surprisingly she hasn't asked to watch them since we came home. She is missing the Christmas lights though.

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