Saturday, January 7, 2012

Soccer Tots

Yes I know I'm not posting Christmas yet...hold yer horses. Today was the first day of Soccer Tots and we were a little worried about how Juliette would do following a stranger's orders. She was amazing to the tenth power. She was so excited to play soccer I think she would have done anything Coach Debby asked. She stretched, ran, stayed in the place she was asked (the monkey house- aka the goal net)and did a ton of activities. Personally they all looked a little like fetch and chase, but they're all between 2 and 3...what more could we ask?? The kids all got to set up cones, kick them over, then try to put them upright with their feet, chased a hula hoop we rolled away from them, walked while kicking the ball for ball control, then ran with the ball. My personal favorite was when we tucked a shirt in her pants and had to chase her to get the shirt then she had to chase us to pull the shirt our of our pockets. It was 60 minutes of good time let me tell ya. I think it would have been a lot better if it was 45 minutes, but hey that's just me.

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