Monday, October 29, 2012


Thanks to Sandy we don't know if we will be able to trick or treat on Wednesday, so yesterday afternoon we headed to the mall for their fall festival/candy festival. Juliette had a great time and wanted to keep playing games because- well duh she wanted more candy!! :) She kept looking in her bag and saying Wow there's a lot of candy in there! Her favorites were shooting a nerf gun to knock down cans, digging through packing peanuts to find a duck in a baby pool, and sticking a peanut into an elephant's nose which would then shoot candy out at her.
Prince Charming, Cinderella, and the Fairy Godmother!

Here we go!

 Finger print leaves on a tree

Cupcake walk

Pumpkin Plinko

Fairy Godmother got hot under that robe!

 The elephant game

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