Tuesday, March 31, 2009
School Year
I'm trying to get my plans ready for when I have to leave my kids- especially my 7th and 8th graders who are "challenging". It's hard to explain to someone else all the stuff I do that just comes naturally after doing this for 5 years. We have a work day on Friday (finally) and I hope to have a good bit ready by the end of the day. I only have 15 more A days and B days left and a TON of stuff I want to finish before I leave, especially their novels which are taking way longer to finish than they ever have before. Nothing else to report on....baby is dong fine and making huge rolling movements...can't wait to see how she moves when she comes out. I get the feeling she likes stretching out her neck.....a lot.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
8 months
We've officially hit the 8 month mark. Whoever has been spreading the rumor that pregnancy lasts nine months is full of crap. 40 weeks = 10 months people, with the last two dragging their feet. For those of you interested, I've got about 55 more days until my due date and she's got nowhere to go but out as you can see from the picture. I'm just glad my butt hasn't exploded. I have noticed some swelling lately, face, hands, and feet when I take my socks off. I had to take my wedding rings off last weekend- feels weird without them on.
Josh is getting a little nuts right about now. Yesterday he wouldn't let me get out of the car to go to the grocery store. I keep telling him I need to walk and just ignore my huffing and puffing as I waddle (...yes...waddle stage has been attained...) around trying to catch up to him.
The chirporactor said that my hips are getting looser to prepare for the spreading of my pelvis during labor which causes the waddle walk. It also makes for nice little popping sounds everytime I try to roll over. We just laugh at it now.
Now it's crunch time for getting the little details straightened out;
finding a pediatrician- I'm relying strictly on friends for this one- Who do you go to? Like them? Ok that's where I'll go!
signing up for classes at the hospital- childbirth classe (4 Sundays starting on April 19), a breastfeeding class- going solo for that one much to Josh's releif, and at home with baby for both of us.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Praise Dr. Jeff!! I was actually able to sleep in the bed last night for the first time in a week. I was only a little uncomfortable and I can now sit without wanting to cry and that is a huge improvement. The only place it hurts to sit on is--sorry if it's TMI--the toilet seat- not sure if it's because of the shape or what. But I think I pulled a groin muscle last night trying to get comfortable, so I've just been trying to walk it off...seems to be working. Dr. Jeff even called me last night to see how I was doing....love this guy and can't wait to go back tomorrow. I don't think I'll need the amount of treatment he thought I might.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I just got back from the chiropractor and have to go back again on Thursday. My lower back is really out of allignment...shocker! He called it something like a disc displasia. Hopefully I will be feeling better after a few adjustments. At least there aren't too many weeks left for me to feel like I've got hot pokers running down my thighs. Right now I'd love to only have the back pain I had last week. I know I'm complaining a lot, but I have a very low tolerance for pain, especially the kind that keeps me awake at night. Last night I ended up sleeping in the guest room with the firmer mattress...Josh never knows where I'll be in the morning!
Baby is active so there must still be SOME room left in the oven; this morning I could swear she was playing the bongo drums and beating hard against my side.
Baby is active so there must still be SOME room left in the oven; this morning I could swear she was playing the bongo drums and beating hard against my side.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Having a Ball
Josh bought me one of those exercise balls to try to ease the pressure on my sciatic nerve. It kind of works, but it's not like I can sleep on it! Oh my I look large in that picture! I swear it's just the angle and the sweater!! :)
My doctor had the genius advice of not sitting in an Indian style position....is she freakin' kidding me???!!! I haven't even been able to do that in months! She also suggested Bengay so Josh ran out and bought some of that too.....didn't work. The only thing it did was make me forget the pain for a few minutes while the smelly junk froze the backs of my legs.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
8 More Weeks
Well...the massage helped- for a few hours. Now the baby has moved over and is on that nerve that makes my right leg feel like it's on fire. I'm hoping that goes away soon. I have a feeling these last 8 weeks are going to be the longest of my entire life. Josh knows how uncomfortable I am, and I hate complaining. There's nothing that can be done about it anyway.
I had after school concert duty last week and sitting in the auditorium chair for an hour was not fun....should have thought to bring a pillow. Mari- the 8th grade first chair violinist is a mini Dave talent wise :).
That's all for now...
Monday, March 16, 2009
Yay! I'm going to get a massage on Saturday over at Massage Envy by the mall. An hour of laying on my stomach! Granted there will be a hole cut out of the table, but I'm still looking forward to it--haven't laid on my tummy in about 3 months!
Ok so not a lot has been going on lately. The only new development is that I'm going to give up trying to get comfortable in bed and try sleeping on the recliner. My back feels like someone has been standing on it while trying to shape it into a pretzel. I'm also going to try getting a pregnancy massage maybe once a week until she gets here....only nine more weeks! Every website and book I look at is saying the same thing about this time of pregnancy- get used to the lack of sleep...more is coming. I feel bad for Josh- he's got to listen to me toss and turn and stuff pillows in places I've never put them before.
I've got another doctor's appointment this week and I'm hoping I've put more weight on. Not sure though, since it took a whole month to gain two pounds. It's not like I'm not eating. I'm truly loving the fact that it's Girl Scout Cookie season. Josh laughed at me when I bought a box of them at Wal-Mart and had them opened by the time we got to the car in the parking lot. I'll miss that part of being pregnant!!
I think the baby has changed positions and is now sideways since I feel her rolling on both sides of me. I know it's going to be a long night if she's been quiet all day. Saturday we were busy so she slept most of the day...Saturday night it was a tumbling party in there. Ok I guess that's more than I thought I had to say! There are 59 more days of school left!
I've got another doctor's appointment this week and I'm hoping I've put more weight on. Not sure though, since it took a whole month to gain two pounds. It's not like I'm not eating. I'm truly loving the fact that it's Girl Scout Cookie season. Josh laughed at me when I bought a box of them at Wal-Mart and had them opened by the time we got to the car in the parking lot. I'll miss that part of being pregnant!!
I think the baby has changed positions and is now sideways since I feel her rolling on both sides of me. I know it's going to be a long night if she's been quiet all day. Saturday we were busy so she slept most of the day...Saturday night it was a tumbling party in there. Ok I guess that's more than I thought I had to say! There are 59 more days of school left!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Taking after Mom
I asked the midwife today about the baby's position and her staying over on the right side- it's normal for a baby to pick a side and hang out there. Josh said she's already like me- laying sideways and stretching out in a diagonal line- same way I stretch out in bed :). The midwife said it's nothing to worry about until week 36. If she doesn't turn face down by then, they'll have to look at alternatives to get her to turn.
Monday, March 2, 2009
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