Monday, March 16, 2009


Ok so not a lot has been going on lately. The only new development is that I'm going to give up trying to get comfortable in bed and try sleeping on the recliner. My back feels like someone has been standing on it while trying to shape it into a pretzel. I'm also going to try getting a pregnancy massage maybe once a week until she gets here....only nine more weeks! Every website and book I look at is saying the same thing about this time of pregnancy- get used to the lack of sleep...more is coming. I feel bad for Josh- he's got to listen to me toss and turn and stuff pillows in places I've never put them before.

I've got another doctor's appointment this week and I'm hoping I've put more weight on. Not sure though, since it took a whole month to gain two pounds. It's not like I'm not eating. I'm truly loving the fact that it's Girl Scout Cookie season. Josh laughed at me when I bought a box of them at Wal-Mart and had them opened by the time we got to the car in the parking lot. I'll miss that part of being pregnant!!

I think the baby has changed positions and is now sideways since I feel her rolling on both sides of me. I know it's going to be a long night if she's been quiet all day. Saturday we were busy so she slept most of the day...Saturday night it was a tumbling party in there. Ok I guess that's more than I thought I had to say! There are 59 more days of school left!

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