Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I just got back from the chiropractor and have to go back again on Thursday. My lower back is really out of allignment...shocker! He called it something like a disc displasia. Hopefully I will be feeling better after a few adjustments. At least there aren't too many weeks left for me to feel like I've got hot pokers running down my thighs. Right now I'd love to only have the back pain I had last week. I know I'm complaining a lot, but I have a very low tolerance for pain, especially the kind that keeps me awake at night. Last night I ended up sleeping in the guest room with the firmer mattress...Josh never knows where I'll be in the morning!

Baby is active so there must still be SOME room left in the oven; this morning I could swear she was playing the bongo drums and beating hard against my side.

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