Friday, August 28, 2009
Bad bad night
I guess Juliette can only handle one good night in a row. Last night she was up about every hour and then had a huge fart and pooped this morning around 8 and then slept until almost noon. Of course that means no more naps so far today except for a 30 minute cat nap when we got home from the grocery store. We're going to try going out for dinner tonight- we'll see how her is doing as we get closer to the time or else I've got to throw together something in a hurry---Breakfast for dinner!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
A Model's Life
Well me must have tired out Juliette with her photo time because she is out cold now! She's usually up now, but didn't have her second morning nap---umm yeah because we were playing dress up :). It's tough being fabulous!
Summer baby!
We had some fun with Juliette this morning! It's so warm today we're going to take her out to her little splash pool later, but wanted to get some pictures before we got her wet. Turns out she got wet anyway! We moved the diaper away from her for one picture and of course that's when she decided to pee---all over the chair. Oh well, we're getting a new one next week!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Morning routine
I think I can say with confidence that we have a morning routine now! She's been doing the same thing each morning for about 2 weeks, so I consider that a schedule!! Wohoo!
She gets up between 5:30 and 7:30 depending on when she goes to bed. Then she eats, has a diaper change, and sleeps for another 2-3 hours. She gets up happy and looking around, eats, diaper change, and then we play for a little bit with her ball and read a story. She loves the board book Mom got her called Where is Baby's Belly Button? It's like baby crack! Juliette will smile as soon as I get it out and get all excited when she sees the pictures and the flaps that hide pictures. After about 45 minutes she starts yawning again and then it's back down for another 2-3 hour nap. Sometimes a little less, but always a mid morning nap. The swing is wonderful!
She gets up between 5:30 and 7:30 depending on when she goes to bed. Then she eats, has a diaper change, and sleeps for another 2-3 hours. She gets up happy and looking around, eats, diaper change, and then we play for a little bit with her ball and read a story. She loves the board book Mom got her called Where is Baby's Belly Button? It's like baby crack! Juliette will smile as soon as I get it out and get all excited when she sees the pictures and the flaps that hide pictures. After about 45 minutes she starts yawning again and then it's back down for another 2-3 hour nap. Sometimes a little less, but always a mid morning nap. The swing is wonderful!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Cereal Time
Well that was a new taste!
Juliette slept until 8 last night so her cereal experience was a little later than I wanted it to be, but we did it! She was a bit wobbly still and didn't know quite what to make of the spoon, but some actually managed to get into her mouth :). She also slept from 10:30 until 5:30 with no fussiness at all!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
One Tired Mom
I'm so used to going to bed after her 8 or 9 pm feeding and last night with Josh at the Redskin game, I stayed up with her. She kept waking up during the night with gas or wanting to be fed. I think she's going through a growth spurt when she wants to feed a lot more often. I'm exhausted now and Josh wants to go to bed at 8 tonight to be ready for the first day of school. Thankfully I'll have Mom staying up with me, but I don't like just going to bed while she stays up with the baby. Maybe I'll get a little nap in this evening- Mom's napping now. Tonight is going to be interesting- Juliette will be trying rice cereal for the first time--stay tuned for pictures, I'm sure they'll be interesting :).
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wiggle Worm
I put Juliette in her crib last night with her head facing the end, when I got her this morning she had done a 180 degree turn and her head was facing the safety bars!! How did she do that??? She didn't wake up at all and we didn't hear a peep out of her on the monitor, but somehow she had shimmied herself in a half circle!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Juliette is holding her head up during tummy time so well! She also loves being on her back on the playmat now and looking in the mirror and reaching for the dangly toys. She's wearing her I Love Mommy bib because she loves to eat her clothes now and they tend to get a little moist and a bib is just easier to change than her whole outfit.
Please let this happen again!!!
Holy Crap!! Juliette slept from 10 pm until 6 am and then slept again until 10 after she ate! My fingers are crossed that she has finally learned to sleep at night before midnight!!! Josh was getting nervous around 5 because she hadn't eaten since 8pm. He laid her in the pack and play in our room at 11 thinking that would wake her up so she could eat, but all she did was fuss a little and I just held her hands and rubbed her back and she was out like a light! Mom even came in our room a few times to check on her when she didn't find her in the crib. I can't believe she slept straight through---and today she's 12 weeks old!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Ready for the new NFL Season!
First day of school!
Josh just called to check in on problems on our end! Juliette woke up a little after six, ate, and went back to sleep until 9, ate, we played for a while, and then she started to get cranky. I'm getting good at telling when she's tired and she's getting better at letting us know it. She sucks her fingers, screams, rubs her eyes, and throws back her head--or any combination of these. She'll probably sleep for an hour now and then get up to eat again. Josh wants me to bring her in to RE LEE before 1, I don't think she'll be up and ready then, so we might take a ride out around 4 so everyone can see her. He brought the camera card to show pictures and the Flip to show videos....ahh the proud father!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Bye Bye Daddy!
Josh goes back to work tomorrow and we're on our own with Nana for a few weeks. It's always something new with an infant and today was no different. We were in the car and Juliette was screaming her head off and trying to shove her fist in her mouth like nobody's business and I thought I'd try rubbing her gums in case she was in fact beginning to cut her first tooth. It worked like magic and she calmed right down. She's cutting a bottom left tooth! She really liked the cold teething rings and chomped on those for a while. Now I have a very drooly baby--thanks for the drool balm Aunt Sharee! I guess the nights of sleeping almost 6 hrs at a time are about to be over. Here she is enjoying one of the teething rings while Josh holds it. She tried holding it herself, but I don't think she liked the cold feeling on her hands.
Friday, August 14, 2009
11 weeks old
I can't believe she's almost 3 months old! She's getting so big! I think the best decision I've made has been to stay home from work this year because now is the time I'd be going back and she's just starting to get interesting.I'm very grateful that I'm able to do this. I coudln't imagine leaving her with someone else to see all her new tricks. Her latest discovery, besides reaching for things now, is that she has found that if she squeals at a particularly high pitch sound, someone will come running. I'm convinced it's a sound only parents and dogs can's not a very nice squeal.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Night time
Juliette has now begun to sleep in her crib! I think she was revolting against it last night though....she didn't go down until 2. We didn't know what was wrong with her. She would fall fast asleep and as soon as one of us put her down, she woke right up. So she slept until almost 8 this morning and has taken a few naps throughout today in her swing and her pack and play which is still in our room, but just for her naps. Here are some new pics including her 10 week pic of her on her quilt made by a friend's aunt.
Monday, August 10, 2009
We're back!
We got back from PA yesterday evening with a stowaway--Nana made the return trip with us! Juliette did really well coming home and only cried to stop for lunch and a diaper. We would have been home a lot earlier, but traffic on 95 was awful. She did really well in PA except for last Monday night when she was up until 4:30 am. On the up side she slept until 8:30, but I felt like I had been hit by a train all day. Juliette didn't have any reaction to her shots, but she was sore that night. Tylenol knocked her out in the car for four hours and then she slept that night from 11:30 until 7! Unfortunately we can't give her baby tylenol all the time! Josh is getting depressed over his last week of summer, wondering where the time off went---I had to laugh and just pointed at Juliette. I'll post some new pictures soon.
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