Monday, August 10, 2009

We're back!

We got back from PA yesterday evening with a stowaway--Nana made the return trip with us! Juliette did really well coming home and only cried to stop for lunch and a diaper. We would have been home a lot earlier, but traffic on 95 was awful. She did really well in PA except for last Monday night when she was up until 4:30 am. On the up side she slept until 8:30, but I felt like I had been hit by a train all day. Juliette didn't have any reaction to her shots, but she was sore that night. Tylenol knocked her out in the car for four hours and then she slept that night from 11:30 until 7! Unfortunately we can't give her baby tylenol all the time! Josh is getting depressed over his last week of summer, wondering where the time off went---I had to laugh and just pointed at Juliette. I'll post some new pictures soon.

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