Sunday, August 23, 2009

One Tired Mom

I'm so used to going to bed after her 8 or 9 pm feeding and last night with Josh at the Redskin game, I stayed up with her. She kept waking up during the night with gas or wanting to be fed. I think she's going through a growth spurt when she wants to feed a lot more often. I'm exhausted now and Josh wants to go to bed at 8 tonight to be ready for the first day of school. Thankfully I'll have Mom staying up with me, but I don't like just going to bed while she stays up with the baby. Maybe I'll get a little nap in this evening- Mom's napping now. Tonight is going to be interesting- Juliette will be trying rice cereal for the first time--stay tuned for pictures, I'm sure they'll be interesting :).

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