Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Morning routine

I think I can say with confidence that we have a morning routine now! She's been doing the same thing each morning for about 2 weeks, so I consider that a schedule!! Wohoo!
She gets up between 5:30 and 7:30 depending on when she goes to bed. Then she eats, has a diaper change, and sleeps for another 2-3 hours. She gets up happy and looking around, eats, diaper change, and then we play for a little bit with her ball and read a story. She loves the board book Mom got her called Where is Baby's Belly Button? It's like baby crack! Juliette will smile as soon as I get it out and get all excited when she sees the pictures and the flaps that hide pictures. After about 45 minutes she starts yawning again and then it's back down for another 2-3 hour nap. Sometimes a little less, but always a mid morning nap. The swing is wonderful!

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