Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bye Bye Daddy!

Josh goes back to work tomorrow and we're on our own with Nana for a few weeks. It's always something new with an infant and today was no different. We were in the car and Juliette was screaming her head off and trying to shove her fist in her mouth like nobody's business and I thought I'd try rubbing her gums in case she was in fact beginning to cut her first tooth. It worked like magic and she calmed right down. She's cutting a bottom left tooth! She really liked the cold teething rings and chomped on those for a while. Now I have a very drooly baby--thanks for the drool balm Aunt Sharee! I guess the nights of sleeping almost 6 hrs at a time are about to be over. Here she is enjoying one of the teething rings while Josh holds it. She tried holding it herself, but I don't think she liked the cold feeling on her hands.

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