Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bad night

I wish this kid of mine would make up her mind about her sleep pattern. I would have considered last night great when she was a few weeks old, but for the last 6 weeks it's been pretty regular with her sleeping for 6 hours at a stretch. Last night she was up four times- once to nurse and three times to be burped and cuddled. So at one in the morning, Mom and I were watching Best Little Whorehouse in Texas and I had a song from it stuck in my head for the rest of the night! I don't even know that movie!! It just kept playing over and over in my head. Hopefully tonight is better. Josh has back to school night so it's just me and Mom- Juliliette is in her nana's arms now sleeping peacefully. She'll eat again in a little bit and then maybe once more before being done. Last night she went down at 10 and I think that's why she wanted to eat at one.

We played a lot today because she slept all morning until 12:30. I had her on a beach ball rolling over it to get her stomach muscles a work out. She really seemed to like it. Then we took her to the mall. Juliette loves the toy bar I bought her for the stroller and will now happily sit in it and play while we walk.

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