Sunday, September 27, 2009

Four Months old!

I can't believe she's already four months old! I remember thinking last year that I would be ready to go back to work by this time- I'll say it again that I'm glad I changed my mind. We tried feeding Juliette her cereal in a bottle tonight. It didn't work too well. She hates sucking a bottle. She does much better with a spoon. I don't know what I'm going to do when I stop nursing her if she doesn't like the bottle. I might just go right to a sippy cup like my mom said. That's something else I need to think about soon- do I stop at six months, go for the full year, or somewhere in the middle? We'll see as we hit those milestones. Tomorrow we go to the doctor and she gets more shots---which means Tylenol! Ok I know it's bad to be thankful my daughter has to be given drugs, but it really helps her sleep! :) The Tylenol we have isn't part of the recall, so we're ok on that front. I'm going to play around with the program for our Flip recorder to see if I can upload a better video of her in the exersaucer. We found out tonight that we can put her in there long enough that we can both eat's wonderful! I also found this afternoon that our Kohls sells Juliette's Dolly so in case we lose her, I can get a replacement one there. I also heard it's at Toys R Us. We never leave home without it!

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