Monday, February 22, 2010

Give me strength

This morning I tried to get Juliette to play with a soft lovey doll instead of me while she nursed....she kept throwing it off me and touching me..I'll try again tomorrow. The morning nap was a complete failure. She fell asleep when she normally does, into the crib she went, and screamed for an hour. This afternoon has been more successful. After falling asleep while eating, back to the crib we went. She cried for 30 minutes and is now dozing without me in the room. I have a headache the size of the Grand Canyon because she was up at 4:30 and didn't go back to sleep. She had really bad gas for some reason and couldn't get comfortable...sooooo mommy has been up since then too. I don't want Josh to accuse me of being emotionally unstable when he gets home, but I really would like to just cry for an hour tonight.

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