Saturday, February 27, 2010

nine months old!

I can't believe she's nine months old today! It has flown by and is not slowing down at all. This month has seen some big changes in our pumpkin. She is totally mobile and crawling everywhere. She is "discovering" everything forcing me to vacuum more than I ever thought I would. She is not happy unless she is standing up or climbing. She knows her two favorite books and where to touch the pages and pull open the tabs which amazes me every single time she does it. Naps are not as stressful, though still in transition as to where they happen. However, lately she has been waking every night around 3, last night was at 12:30, and Josh has to go in and rub her back or tell her to go back to sleep. If I go in, she thinks she can outlast me and she's right, I usually pick her up. It was a very odd experience the other day when I was clipping out coupons- I saw the expiration date was May 30 and it hit me that she would be a year old when it expired!

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