Sunday, February 21, 2010

Weekend and a new week

Juliette had a very busy weekend with a visit from Uncle Don and Aunt Nancy and then friends coming over tonight. Tomorrow I begin training Juliette to nap during the day. I read in my Parent magazine that if they don't learn to take regular naps, it does something to the seritonin (spelling?) level in their brain so they don't sleep as long at night. This makes sense since when she doesn't nap, Juliette will be up before 5. When she does get her long naps in, she sleeps until at least 6, sometimes 7. The magazine gave a schedule for the training in groups of three days. Tomorrow I'll try to get her to cuddle with a blankie while she nurses instead of me so she can use that as her lovie when she goes in her crib. I'm hoping that next week I'll be able to say she is taking two one hour naps during the day...fingers crossed.

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