Tuesday, February 9, 2010

No More!

I can't take it anymore. Tomorrow I'm calling her pediatrician and seeing what formula I can give the Juliette to wean her. This morning she took a chunk out of me and made me bleed for a good bit of time. I wanted to be able to say I did it for a year, but it's just not comfortable for me to do it now that her top teeth have come in and all she wants to do is bite and pull things apart. She uses a cup really well now so I can put it in there instead of a bottle. I will probably keep nursing her in the morning because she's so hungry that she doesn't think about biting. I'll have to pump more during the day when I can to keep my milk production up and to mix it with the formula. I did it for almost nine months so hurray for me considering that I almost gave up right when she was born because it was hard to get her stuck on. Oh well...I'm trying not to feel guilty about it, but it's only for three months until she can have milk. Who knows, tomorrow she may do fine with feeding....today has just been a bad day. I gave her a real teething biscuit today and she totally went nuts with it.

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