Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ahh nap time

A week ago we set out to train Juliette to take her two naps a day in her crib. It seemed like it was going one step forward, two steps back with her waking up at 3 and 4 am, napping twice a day but in her swing, I think we're a success now. Josh has to take the credit for this. Over the weekend he kept putting her in the crib, patting her back a few times, and out she went. I was nervous to do it myself- I think the little booger knows who's a sucker- MOMMY! She likes to be in one particular position for her naps, in one spot of the crib- laying against the bars facing the wall, head facing the bars, thumb in mouth. Yesterday I caved and she took naps in the swing- just easier for me than to fight her. This morning, into the crib she went because she was fighting sleep. I put her down twice and out she went. Same situation this afternoon and as I type this, she's zonked after laying her down twice again. She slept for about 45 minutes this morning and that was enough for me to get some things done around the house and take care of myself too. If she sleeps until 4, I'll be thrilled. The pediatrician said at least 2 forty minute naps were fine and that seems to be her zone. I just with she would sleep a little later in the morning--5:30 would be great.

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