Sunday, March 28, 2010

Swimming #3

Yesterday was the third class and this time Josh figured out how he had to blow in Juliette's mouth and not in her face to get her to hold her breath and go under. She only did it once before the little boy in class threw up all over the place and everyone had to get out of the pool. Since the class was more than half over (by 5 minutes) it won't be made up. I didn't go in the pool this week for a few reasons, but hopefully next week I'll be able to get in. I'll actually be able to try on bathing suits since Nana will be able to go with me and keep an eye on Juliette while I'm in the dressing room. She still has a runny nose, but it's not slowing her down. Her new favorite trick is when she's buck naked on the changing table to start doing acrobatics. Last night she looked like she was being strip searched in the police frisk position with her back turned and both hands on the wall. She loves the feeling of the wall and the sound it makes when she hits it.

The Easter Bunny is in town! Sometime when it's warm this week I'll put Juliette in her dress and get her picture taken. I think they have a good bunny at the mall and it doesn't look quite so cardboard. She liked Santa, so we'll see how she does with the bunny.

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