Sunday, July 31, 2011

Good night again

So tomorrow is August 1, and I'm not done with catching up with July's posts, but it's almost 11pm and I'm once again exhausted. nighty night.

Dining partner

For some reason on this morning Juliette HAD to have Dora with her while she ate. I tried to get her to put the doll on the floor- nope, had to hold her.

Wake up honey!

Juliette usually wakes up from her naps in a great mood and will want to carry her friends out of the crib with her. We aren't in a hurry to put her in a regular bed since she isn't trying to climb out of the crib.

Trying the potty

Some days I feel like Juliette is ready to start potty training, other days not so much. This was a day she was interested in the potty- no tinkles, but she tried. She pooped in the tub three times within a week which was not fun at all.

Lil Barefoot beach

At Waterworks- the water park in King's Dominion- there is a section just for the little guys with about 6 inches of water. We've been spending a lot of time there as a family and with friends. She likes taking off her Dora hat, filling it with water, and throwing it at us, then tossing her hat into the water. She even went down the little water slide a few times, but I think it went too fast for her and we can't get her back on it! Recently we got a babysitter for the day and went on our own little vacation to the water park and were quite surprised to realize we have more fun when she is with us. I guess we really like our kid :).

Big Wave Bay

The wave pool was a great new experience for Juliette. I thought she wouldn't like the waves, but she loved being sloshed around. She also had a blast playing in the fountains- she likes stepping on them and then letting them shoot up at her. The pool is nice because Juliette can have some freedom since it's so shallow. She liked being able to get on her belly and sit down in the water.

Ahh the big bed!

Juliette loves to be in our bed. Here she is resting with Daddy- until she decided it was not fun for Daddy to be just laying there.

Back home at last

When we headed back down to Virginia, there was a package waiting for Juliette- her very own Mickey Mouse ears with her name on them. She was very proud :).

Back to the state park

The five of us went to the park this time. Juliette got very brave and walked out pretty far into the pool by herself.

Something I threw together

After Juliette went to bed tonight I thought it would be cute if there was a story about all the things a kid does to stay up later. Here is my first attempt.

Juliette went in the tub
It was time to scrub a dub
Wash your hair and have some fun
But when it was almost done
Juliette became upset,
“No, no, night night yet”
She cried and Mommy dried her tears
And tried to calm her baby dear.
Just then Juliette spotted the shelf
And walked over there all by herself.
“Mommy let’s just read a book,
Come on mommy take a look.”
So Juliette cuddled in Mommy’s lap,
But Mommy knew it was a trap
To stay up later than was allowed
And Juliette felt very proud
That she was not yet in her bed
As Mommy softly kissed her head.
Uh Oh. No no night night yet!
Daddy might, just might forget.
“Daddy! Can I have a drink?
I see a glass right by the sink.”
“Ah ha!” Juliette thought with a grin,
“Now they’ve forgotten it’s time to turn in!”
“Juliette it’s time for bed,”
Was what Mommy and Daddy said.
Juliette became upset,
“No, no, night night yet!”
Just right then who should call?
Nana on the phone in the hall.
Nana! Juliette knew just what to do.
This would surely bid bedtime adieu.
“Mommy! I haven’t talked to Nana in so long,
She has to hear me sing a song!”
So Juliette thought of a nice slow song
And she and Nana sang along,
While Mommy and Daddy watched the clock
As the minutes clicked by, tick tock, tick tock.
Juliette hung up the phone when she was done,
Ready to think of something else fun,
When Mommy said, “That’s enough,
No more of this funny stuff.”
She put her lip out as far as she could get,
No, no, night night yet!
But as Daddy carried her off to bed
She thought of something else instead;
About all the fun they had that day
tomorrow just might be the same way.
Night night Mommy and Daddy too,
Night night sleep tight and we love you.

Freaked out fireman

Papa took a day off and we headed to Elysburg for Knoebels Amusement Park- a free park about two hours away. We got Juliette a wrist band and away we went.

Our first ride of the day was the fire truck ride. She was not a happy camper. She hadn't been on a ride in a while so she didn't like it. The next one was another car ride and she hung on me for that one so I ended up sitting with her and that got her excited. She had one hand on my leg and one on the wheel. After that she was fine with all the rides. Josh and I even got to go on the haunted house--AND I kept my eyes opened!! Let me tell you that is one scary ride for a little kid!!

Flying Bugs

This was the first ride Juliette had been on that went up and down on its own so I was nervous she would freak out when it went up. Once again she surprised us and loved it, laughing like crazy when it went up and down. Since she was the only rider I think the operator gave her an extra long ride.

Break time

We needed to take a little break from the rides so a snack was needed. Pretzels always do the trick. We thought she would get cranky going from walking to riding in the stroller- once she has that freedom to walk she usually won't go back in willingly- but she was quite happy to sit for a while. The day went perfectly except for the rain. She even got used to wearing the ride bracelet.

I've got a picture in this spot of me with Josh taken in 1998 and I wish I could find it and put it next to this one.

train video

I thought Josh was taking a picture not video which explains the dumba** smile on my face as I wait for him to take it.

Train Ride

I knew Juliette would love the train- for some reason she is really into them these days saying Choo Choo All Aboard! I think it's from one of the little shows after Mickey Mouse on Disney. She kept shaking her fists and saying Choo Choo the whole time we rode it. She hung clung to us in the tunnels but didn't cry or anything. She liked it so much that she went on again with Papa. While they were waiting in line she started dancing to the music. Too cute.

Antique Cars

A trip on the cars with Nana, Papa, and Mommy.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


I have been up since 6 this morning for our yardsale---still trying to catch up with pictures from our trip north. I think my eyes are going to burn out of my head. I'm hitting the sack. Stay tuned- same baby time, same baby channel. Josh is watching congress and the debt ceiling...that should put me to sleep fairly quickly!

Knoebels by boat!

As it started to pour, we looked for cover. The rides in the back had canopies so we stopped for those. Juliette LOVED the boat. Now if only I can get her to ring the bell on these rides!! She is very content to just watch things as she rides.


She loved the little sports car. The ride operator rode next to her since she was the littlest person. She cracked me up with one hand on the wheel and one hand on the back of the seat