Sunday, July 24, 2011

The artist

For Father's Day I took Juliette to the local pottery store to paint something for Josh and her Papa and she had a great time. She was very entertaining to the workers and kept asking for more pink and blue paint, some orange, and purple. I'll have to post her finished product. She even picked out the pieces she wanted to make. Anyway, since she liked painting pottery, I thought I'd get her some finger paints. We started outside and had to show her what she had to do. She was not a fan of getting dirty at first. Then it started to rain so in we went. Then she got really into it, wanted pink paint (not in the pack) and wanted us to keep putting more paint on the paper. When she was done you can see the clean up crew in action--and me with the camera :). Then Nana gave her one of those books where you put water on the paper and the color comes out. She liked it....then spilled the water all over.

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