Sunday, July 31, 2011

Something I threw together

After Juliette went to bed tonight I thought it would be cute if there was a story about all the things a kid does to stay up later. Here is my first attempt.

Juliette went in the tub
It was time to scrub a dub
Wash your hair and have some fun
But when it was almost done
Juliette became upset,
“No, no, night night yet”
She cried and Mommy dried her tears
And tried to calm her baby dear.
Just then Juliette spotted the shelf
And walked over there all by herself.
“Mommy let’s just read a book,
Come on mommy take a look.”
So Juliette cuddled in Mommy’s lap,
But Mommy knew it was a trap
To stay up later than was allowed
And Juliette felt very proud
That she was not yet in her bed
As Mommy softly kissed her head.
Uh Oh. No no night night yet!
Daddy might, just might forget.
“Daddy! Can I have a drink?
I see a glass right by the sink.”
“Ah ha!” Juliette thought with a grin,
“Now they’ve forgotten it’s time to turn in!”
“Juliette it’s time for bed,”
Was what Mommy and Daddy said.
Juliette became upset,
“No, no, night night yet!”
Just right then who should call?
Nana on the phone in the hall.
Nana! Juliette knew just what to do.
This would surely bid bedtime adieu.
“Mommy! I haven’t talked to Nana in so long,
She has to hear me sing a song!”
So Juliette thought of a nice slow song
And she and Nana sang along,
While Mommy and Daddy watched the clock
As the minutes clicked by, tick tock, tick tock.
Juliette hung up the phone when she was done,
Ready to think of something else fun,
When Mommy said, “That’s enough,
No more of this funny stuff.”
She put her lip out as far as she could get,
No, no, night night yet!
But as Daddy carried her off to bed
She thought of something else instead;
About all the fun they had that day
tomorrow just might be the same way.
Night night Mommy and Daddy too,
Night night sleep tight and we love you.

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