So last night was just weird. The baby ate at 11 and then didn't get up until 3:30- well, I shouldn't say that. Josh MADE me get her up at 3:30 because her diaper hadn't been changed in a while. The idiot that I am didn't put my foot down---NEVER WAKE A SLEEPING BABY!!!! He still doesn't beleive that if something is bothering her, she'll wake up on her own. Well, we got up, changed her, and I fed her. Usually, Miss Juliette will go right back to sleep after her night feedings and some rocking...not so much last night. She wanted to play....until after at least she was happy being up. We finally got her relaxed and back in the cradle and she started fussing. Next thing we knew we heard the tell tale noise of the shooting wet fart aka she pooped. Not only did she poop, it shot out of her diaper all over the cradle sheet. As soon as she got the poop out, she passed out with her arms above her head and was dead to the world. Of course we couldn't leave her like that sitting in her poop, so once again we had to get her up. As long as we were up, I fed her again and handed her over to Mom so Josh and I could get some shut eye. She's never done that little trick before of staying up happy for three hours. Josh and I just laughed when we realized that it was light outside. Today has been fairly quiet, but she's been awake a lot more...poor kid hates having pee touch her so everytime she would settle for a nap and pee, she would wake up hysterical, but then go back to sleep for a period of time. What can I say, every night is an adventure!!!