Sunday, June 21, 2009

Bye Bye Nana :(

Mom left today with Dad and we're all a little sad. Not because she did the housework while I got to take a nap or feed the baby, it was just nice having a mom again full time....haven't had that in a long time. Josh and I had been "weaning" ourselves off of her help at night, but it was nice to know that if we needed her, we could call her and she would take the baby. I'm just thankful Josh is off for the summer- we just took her for a long walk and she's sleeping- we didn't dare move her from her stroller so that's where her nap is happening. Now I get to take a shower while Josh watches her. After she wakes up and eats, we're going to head over to the opening of the new Wegman's in Central Park.

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