Monday, June 15, 2009

Dr visit

Juliette went back to the doctor for another weight check today and we are back up to birth weight- nine pounds! She put on 6 ounces in a week and the doctor was very happy with that and said she is right on target. I can also start giving her the gas drops with each feeding so that at night she settles back down easier than she does now--yay hope it works! So now we don't have to go back to the pediatrician for another three weeks. Her belly button is looking kind of normal and will most likely be an outie.

I did something today that I swore I would never do. I was feeding the baby and noticed a smudge of dried milk on her cheek, licked my finger, and wiped it off before I even realized what I was doing. I guess that means I'm officially a mom!!

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