Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Back Home

We got back to Spotsylvania around 6 last night and it was not the easy trip like we had going up to PA. Juliette needed several stops for feeding and diapers, but still slept most of the way. When we got home I guess she was a little confused about where she was or something because she screamed until almost 2 am, but them slept until almost 5 and went straight back to sleep after eating until after 8. It's a different experience unpacking with a baby because Josh likes to get everything done right away and I couldn't help much because I had to feed the baby and hold her so she wouldn't scream like a banshee. We tried a routine last night with her; getting pjs on, reading a book, quiet time, and putting her in her bed while she was still awake. It obviously didn't work. Oh well, try again tonight I guess! I'll put more pictures up from our week in PA once I get some stuff done around the house. Mari- I know you were thinking about taking some time off when we came up for the Italian Festival, but Josh decided he wants to go back for a week or two in August so if you can get some vacation days then, that would be awesome!

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