Sunday, July 5, 2009

still sleepy

The baby is still sleeping after only being awake for about 3 hours today. Hmm this probably means we'll be up all night diong our laps in the least we have some walking room! This is going to be a busy week. Tomorrow is her doctor's appointment, Tuesday is a car inspection, Wednesday is my 6 week follow up with Terri, Thursday we're getting her picture taken at Penny's, Friday we're packing, Saturday family is coming to visit, and Sunday very early in the morning we're leaving for PA. I'm nervous about traveling that far with her because I know we'll have to pull over so I can nurse her. I hope we can time it right so I only have to feed her once- just a matter of finding the pit stop to pull in at. We're thinking that if we leave after the 11 o'clock feeding on Saturday night she'll sleep most of the way--the car always knocks her out anyway. Plus after her performance of going 5 hrs between feedings, we might just make it in time..or at least make it into PA before pulling over. Fingers crossed people!

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