Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rough night

I wanted to see what would happen if we put the baby down awake and she was fine for about 10 minutes and then screamed for an hour and a half. Josh walked her and she spent most of the time burping and farting so that was her problem. I felt awful waking her up this morning around 9:45 because we had to get ready to go to my dr appt and as soon as I was finishing up feeding her, they called to reschedule for tomorrow. When I fed her lunch, she started falling asleep, I set her in the crib and of course she woke up again. But amazingly she put herself back to sleep and has been out for about 30 minutes so far. Josh wanted us all to go to Borders, but I didn't want to bring her out again, so he is enjoying some alone time and he can pay me back tonight ;).

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