Sunday, July 5, 2009

Wonder of Wonders miracle of miracles!

After a rocky start to the night with some fussing after her midnight feeding and a little rocking from her daddy, Juliette slepts from a little after 1 until just before 6 this morning! I woke up and noticed it was light outside and thought I slept through her second night feeding! I fed her again and she was just beginning to drift off when she woke up again. I put her in her swing for about 45 minutes and that put her out and she slept until 10:30! On the downside, I felt like I was about to explode because I'm used to feeding her every 2-3 hrs and she went for two 5 hr stretches. Needless to say she got a good meal :). I'm trying to remember the last time I got 4 hrs of sleep in a row and it would have to be before she was born...ahh I feel great! I'm not holding my breath that this is a new pattern--she was a very busy little person last night being passed around at the party and had lots of stimulation which probably helped bring on the sleep.

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