Thursday, July 30, 2009

Crazy night

The baby had a great night- it was her parents who were freaking out and wide awake. When Juliette woke up at 1:45 for a diaper and a burp, I took her back in her room to rock her and she fell right back to sleep. I thought I'd try putting her in her crib for the rest of the night since we decided we were going to do that when we get home from PA anyway. She stayed asleep and I turned on the monitors. I couldn't stop going back and checking on her and Josh heard the static and woke up; he was mad at me for setting her back there and not telling him I was going to do it. So we were up waiting for her to wake up. Josh went back to bring her back in our room, clicked the crib rack, and she woke up screaming. Thankfully she went back to sleep when he put her in the pack and play and she slept until 6. I think we're going to have issues when we put her back there for good!

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